Privacy Policy

What information is being collected?

If you sign up as a member to Amazing UK Deals we will store your e-mail address and chosen username so we can get in touch.

We also store your IP address. We do this to help prevent abuse of the Amazing UK Deals community and it’s guidelines. For example, we may use the IP address to detect retailers who sign up for multiple accounts to try and unscrupulously promote their own services.

For the purpose of creating new features and functionality in the future (e.g. cash back and a personalised deals feed) we store information about some purchases made through the Latest Deals website. This may include products purchased, amount spent and other associated information.

Who is collecting the data and who is it shared with?

We (Amazing UK Deals) hold your data and do not share it with any third parties other than set out below:

  • Our website uses Google Analytics to analyse how users interact with the site. This is fairly standard practice amongst websites and we assure you nothing untoward is going on! It helps us keep track of the number of visitors to Latest Deals and spot popular deals and trends. You can read more about Google Analytics and the what/how/why at their website, here. We anonymise your IP address before sending it to Google Analytics.
  • We use a service called MailChimp to manage our email newsletter subscriptions. We share your email address and, if you provided it to us, your full name with MailChimp. This allows us to send you personalised emails. We also use MailChimp to let us know how people interact with our emails – e.g. if/when they’re opened and what links are clicked. We use this information to try and improve our emails so they’re as useful as possible.

For full information about how any third party processes and handles information please refer to their respective privacy policy and terms.

Why is the data collected?

We ask for your email address so that we can get in touch with you. As outlined above, your IP address is stored to help prevent the abuse of Latest Deals. Any other information is used to help improve Latest Deals and tailor our content to our visitors.

For full details of why data is collected by the third party services we use, please review their privacy policies from the website links above.

Getting a copy of your personal information

You’re welcome to contact us if you would like a copy of your personal information that we hold.

What if my personal information is incorrect?

If you believe any of the information that we hold (e.g. your email address) is incorrect you can contact us to let us know and we’ll make sure it’s up to date.

How can I delete my account and/or personal information?

If you would like to delete your Latest Deals account and remove all personal data stored you can contact us


We use cookies on Amazing UK Deals. Find out more.

Third party websites

We are a community that links to deals and offers at various retailers (e.g. Amazon, Tesco or eBay). As these are third party websites not under our control we encourage you to check their privacy policy before providing any personal data. You can tell when you have left Amazing UK Deals as the URL will no longer be

Sharing deals & commenting

If you share a deal or comment on our website then you are free – within reason – to say or do what you like. However, to be on the cautious side we would recommend that you avoid sharing any personal information. If you see something on our site that you’re not happy about, drop us a line and we’ll look into it for you.

Changes to this privacy policy

We may update this policy from time to time. We therefore recommend that you review this page periodically for any changes. Any such changes are effective as soon as they are published to this page.

Contacting us

If you have any questions about our privacy policy please contact us and we’ll do our best to help.